Books about war armament
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REIMAHG - A pictorial
by Patrick Brion
1944, the construction of one of the largest underground
aeroplane factories began. This excellent book contains countless
historical pictures and documents. A must for everyone who is
interested in the story of the REIMAHG.
- available in
English -
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Hitler's Ignored Secret
by Henry Hatt - BoD 2014
In 1944/45, underground mines were used to
protect important war productions. Was this the only use? Henry
Hatt claims to have found evidence that also libraries, archives
and art work was hidden in the mines in the last months of WWII.
For him, it is a fact that certain secret depots still exist
untill today.
- available in
English - order online at Amazon or in your bookstore
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Sowjetische Demontagen in Deutschland 1944-1949
Rainer Karlsch, Jochen Laufer - Dunker und Humblot Berlin 2002
550 pages, many references
- only in German
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Die Rolle der Untertageverlagerung
in der deutschen R�stungsproduktion 1943-1945
Frederic G�mmer - Grin 2007
114 pages, many references
- only in German
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Uran f�r Moskau
by Rainer Karlsch - Ch. Links, 4th edition, 2011
280 pages, photographs, documents, a scientific book about the
history of the WISMUT AG!
- only in German
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Geheime Bunkeranlagen der DDR
by Stefan Best - Motorbuch-Verlag, 2009
240 pages, a lot of photos and construction drawings of secret
GDR bunkers. Bunkers of the STASI, the NAVY, and many others. Very
- only in German
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German Underground Installations
Part Two of Three
by J.I.O.A., Washington DC
about the relocation of underground factories in Germany.
Explains different facilities in mines, tunnels, caves, breweries
and fortifications.
- only in English
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Kampf um die Akten
by Astrid M. Eckert
about the negotiations between Germany and the Allies regarding
confiscated documents. Hundreds of tons of records fell into the
hands of the Allies at the end of WWII and the history of the
efforts for their return was never published.
- only in German
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Hitlers Bombe
by Rainer Karlsch
This book reveales a sensation. German scientists tested nuclear
bombs under the leadership of the SS on the island of Ruegen.
Several hundred prisoners lost their lifes. Historian Rainer Karlsch also found a drawing of a plutonium bomb patent of 1941
and the first functioning atomic reactor near Berlin. Hitler had a bomb. German scientists developed an atomic weapon
during WWII is the conclusion of Rainer Karlsch.
- only in German
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Deckname Kaulquappe
by Henry Hatt
Secret underground relocation of important war production of Jenaer
Glaswerke Schott & Gen. to the slate mine Staatsschieferbruch Lehesten in
Southern Thuringia. 164 pages, many documents, pictures and maps.
- only in German
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Die Geschichte der Gruppe K.A.K.T.U.S.
by Henry Hatt
about the story of "Kunstraub-Aufkl�rungs-Komitee-Th�ringen-Und-Sachsen"
from its origin in 1987 till now. The searching for lost art
- only in German
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by Juergen Mueller
about Dachs IV near Osterode.
A fuel hydrogenation plant with about 300.000 sq. ft. was supposed
to be errected with the help of more than 3000 slave workers. The
book contains drawings, pictures and a lot of information.
Even the hunt for a Nazi treasure happened there in the mid 60s.
Paperback, 108 pages
- only in German
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Stollen im
Fels und �l f�rs Reich
by Kai Olaf Arzinger
About code name
Schwalbe I in Hoennetal.
The author is free
of some daily newspapers. He took an article of
1985 as his reason to collect material
and write this book. An important
historical document, worth reading.
- only in German
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Ein KZ in der Nachbarschaft
by Tobias B�tow und Franka Bindernagel
Excellent book about the six satelite camps of BRABAG which
shows the cooperation of the economy, the SS and the role of the
so called Freundeskreis
Himmler. Very interesting and a lot of sources named.
- only in German
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Ignorierte Geheimobjekte Hitlers
by Henry Hatt
introduces a very interesting area of Southern East Thuringia to
the reader, which contains countless slate mines.
The author uncovered that 20 of these mines had been used as
secret underground deposits and production facilities during WW
II. Hatt beleives that there is no other written material about
these secret objects because certain people are trying to prevent
attention. Find out how important that area was and that it is
probably the most promising trace leading to the Amber Room and
other treasures. The second edition
will be quite shocking.
- also in English
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Vernichtung - Auftrag und
by Lothar Czo�ek
Self Published, 2000
Documentation about satelite camp Rehmsdorf of Buchenwald.
- only in German
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Vernichtung - Auftrag und
by Lothar Czo�ek
Lothar Czo�ek Eigenverlag, 2000
Addition to the documentation about the satelite camp Rehmsdorf
of camp Buchenwald.
- only in German
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Beutezüge in Thüringen
by Ulrich Brunzel
Jung, Heinrich, Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2000
On the trace of art treasures, wonder weapons and looted gold,
by Ulrich Brunzel. When Hitler saw the end of the thousand
year lasting Reich, Thuringia became his treasure safe,
location for experiments and hiding place of the most secret
weapon systems. Countless slave laborers had to help and died as
as well as Nazis
with too much knowledge. Only the keepers of the secrets
remained. Hitler commited suicide and the "Gauleiter of
Thuringia", Fritz Sauckel was executed after the trial in Nürnberg.
However, the Allies knew how to further develope the weapons,
how to make them more freightening and they are willing to use
them at any time! Hitlers looted gold helped the economy of the
Allies grow...
- only in German
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Deckname Lachs
by Klaus W. Müller, Willy Schilling
Jung, Heinrich, Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
In July 1944 London heard the first time about an underground
armament factory being built near Kahla. They started a special
investigation flight on August 15, 1944, which brought enough
evidence for the construction of the site in the so-called Walpersberg
near Kahla/Grosseutersdorf. From that moment on, the area had
been declared as very important and many pictures had been taken
by the British. The use of the construction site was not known
yet. One assumed that it will be a rocket production site,
others even thought the Atomic bomb might be developed there.
Hitler wanted to change the outcome of the war in the last
minute with giant war production sites like "LACHS", which was
built for the production of the first jet of the world, the
so-called Me 262...
- only in German
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Geheimnisvolles Th�ringen
by Markus Gleichmann, Ronny D�rfer
Jung, Heinrich, Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
The authors list 73 objects which were planned to be used by
the Nazis for production purposes or other reasons. Has a lot of
maps and photographs, but a lot of misinterpreted information
about the slate mines in South-East Thuringia.
- only in German
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Decknamenverzeichnis deutscher
unterirdischer Bauten
by Hans Walter Wichert
Druck und Verlag: Druckerei Joh. Schulte
A very detailed and helpful book listing most secret
underground objects of WW II together with location, code names
and description.
A must for the serious WW II relict hunter.
- only in German
here if you have questions!
Erinnerungen an Laura - die
Hölle im Schieferberg
by Ryszard Kessler
Schwarm Verlag, 1977
This autobiography describes the life of a Polish prisoner
during the war. In an unbeleivable detailed manner, he
tells the reader about his arrival at camp "LAURA", a secret V2
tube test plant in an underground slate mine.
Strongly recommeded to read, not only if you are interested in
the details of the underground war production site with the code
name "Rotbutt"...
- only in German
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Hitlers Geheimobjekte in Thüringen
by Ulrich Brunzel
Jung, Heinrich, Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2001, actually 15th
- only in German
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Planet Dora. Als Gefangener
im Schatten
der V2- Rakete.
by Yves Beon
In the second half of the year 1943, thousands of prisoners had
been brought from concentration camp Buchenwald to one of the
branch camps called "Dora-Mittelbau" to dig tunnels into the
rocks for the production of the V2-rocket. Hunger, illness, dust,
humidity and explosions tortured the prisoners so much, that
20000 of them did not survive the "Hell of Dora".
Yves Béon was 18 years old when he came to Dora in March 1944.
He survived 13 months of forced labor and remembers this time as
"Living on a different planet". By writing this book, he wants
to get rid of some of his pain...
- only in German
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Riese, Das Rätsel um Hitlers Hauptquartier
in Niederschlesien
by Dariusz Garba
Jung, Heinrich, Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2000
- only in German
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Die F�hrerhauptquartiere - Anlagen und Planungen im Zweiten
by Dieter Zeigert, Franz W. Seidler
Herbig Verlag, 2000
- only in German
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if you have questions!
Topographie des Terrors - Gestapo, SS und
Reichssicherheitshauptamt auf dem Prinz-Albrecht-Gel�nde.
Verlag Arenh�vel, 1987
- only in German
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Heimatgeschichtlicher Wegweiser zu St�tten des Widerstandes
und der Verfolgung 1933-1945
Verlag f�r akademische Schriften, 2003
only in German
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