Bunker under the Gauzentrum Weimar

Hobby Historian Hans Stadelmann was searching in the cellars...


According to latest investigation results, the construction of the Gauzentrum Weimar under the code name "Werner" has been stopped already in 1943. However, one continued constructing in small style under the command of the SS, how witnesses report. Up to 40 prisoners of camp Buchenwald entered the cellars of the builing every single day under armed control. One says that the cellars had a lift for trucks, which has been walled up after the war.

Fact is, that the underground rooms at the Gauzentrum do not fit together with the construction maps. During an investigation attempt of the complex by the governement, which was done very bad, only a walled up room was discovered which was empty. There is no doubt, that many other hidden rooms have not been discovered yet. Investigators believe, that even an underground crypt exists.

However, the art collection of Gauleiter Koch has been at the museum of Weimar and had been brought to away again by truck, which still was possible. The transport of his collection out of K�nigsberg also happened at a time, when the city was surrounded already. Therefore, Koch had unexpected possibilities to break the siege ring.

The Gauzentrum in Weimar is sure holding some secrets but it is very doubtful that the Amber Room could be hidden there since it can be assumed it had been brought to a saver place outside of the city...

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